Happy Halloween!!! Hope you are enjoying the holiday and a bunch of candy today Erin!
The morning started out a little rough - spent two hours studying math in favor of going for a run. Now, which would I obviously say deserves preference ina decision such as that one? Running. I don't really care about math - at all! Except for the fact that I need it to major in psychologym :( shucks.
The morning started out a little rough - spent two hours studying math in favor of going for a run. Now, which would I obviously say deserves preference ina decision such as that one? Running. I don't really care about math - at all! Except for the fact that I need it to major in psychologym :( shucks.
I had some cereal with skim milk and fruit as I studided, which couldn't have been more than 350 calories. It was yummy :)Needless to say, the test did not go so well and left me feeling very unhappy, irresponsible, and pretty much like a FAILURE. But the good news I found out today is that my prof drops the lowest grade!!! Yay for that. Boo for my un-math-friendly brain.
After class I had a PB sandwich on whole wheat. I also had a tad bit jelly. this was probably around 350 calories as well. I also had about 3/4 of a medium apple. Then I went on a walk for about 30min and am on my way to meet up with the BF now.My total so far is about 850 calories. Ill probably have a skim latte soon maing it about 950 or so. I'm happy I at least squeezed a walk in, and will most likely be doing more walking/dancing/moving this evening.
HYSTERICAL: Erin, you will appreciate this. Last night Mark was over for dinner and to help me with some schoolwork. On his way out, I walked him outside and managed to convince him to carry the garbage out too. We ran into my grandmother (who lives downstairs) and good thing we did because she told us recycling doesn't go out until Monday night (I totally should have known that) and we would have gotten a fine had we put them out. Stay with me, I'm getting to the funny part.
So I notice this man coming down the block with a shopping cart, and usually those people are collecting plastic bottles, so I mention it to my grandmother. As he passes, my grandmother decides it would be a good idea to say, "EXCUSE ME SIR, WHAT ARE YOU COLLECTING?" So this man stops and begins to describe to us, in vivid detail, exactly what he is collecting - and I'm sure it would have been interesting had I had ANY idea what he was saying. Finally he managed to tell us he in fact collects electronics.
Upon hearing that this man did not collect bottles and was also probably a little bit crazy, you would think my grandmother would stop talking to him. She did not. She told him "YEAH ITS A SHAME YOU THROW THINGS OUT AND THEY JUST GO TO NOBODY. YOU WANT SOMEONE TO GET USE OUT OF IT.". The electronic-collecting man replied " You ... You..uhh..you come from a long line of them!" My Grandmother says, "WHAT?", not because she didn't understand him, but because she couldn't hear him. He tells her she must be italian and goes on to point to Mark and tell electronic man about how Mark quit smoking.
Please don't ask me how or why this conversation continued but IT DID until we managed to pull her away. Eccentric electronic man continued on his happy electric way.
Well, I'm off to do some trick-or-treating with little ones and then off to a grownup party later! Bye byee!