Monday, October 27, 2008
my stomach hurts soooooo much. i really don't know what is up but it's been hurting since saturday and it's really time to stop. joke's up. really. come on. it feels like hunger pains but i have no appetite and get really full after eating a little bit. i've been sticking with small meals and tried to walk around a lot. i did the walk to and from work and then around the pentagon city mall and everything. it's getting better but it's just kind of exhausting...

so in case you didn't see this coming, i didn't do my run yesterday because of the weird debilitating cramping, but i did carve a pumpin and it looked damn good. i'll try to get a pic to show you sometime.

last, but not least, my video of the day. i posted this on my facebook but let's not kid ourselves and pretend like you ever look at it. so here you go, "little bit" by lykke li. also fitting because YOU are little bit. haaaaa. (which reminds me i should have not deleted the voicemail daddy left me yesterday...classic.)

posted by shakemca at 10:26 PM |