So here I am, being a rebel, posting in Sociology class. It's actually a really interesting class on child abuse - so this wil be quick.
After yesterday's break from oatmeal I decided it was okay to have some for breakfast this morning. If my life were a comic book or a cartoon series, today would be titled "RETURN OF THE INCREDIBLE OATMEAL!!"
Shea woke me up AGAIN this morning earlier than usual. She seems to know EXACTLY the days that I am going to be sleeping a little later. Needless to say, my early morning gym session did not work out. I am not a fan of working out while it's still dark outside AND when I have classes I have to rush to right after. Hopefully I'll have the willpower to go right after work quickly so I can rush home and prepare for my math test tomorrow! Ahh statistics...
Okay time to concentrate again!