Well, today was the day in the plan in which we are supposed to run for a mile. This includes breaks for walking too, but 1/4 mile into it, I felt good - really good - and I kept going all the way to a mile!! I'll admit, the last 1/4 mile lap around the track was a little tough, and I probably should have taken a short break to walk...but I couldn't!! I was so happy and my adreneline rush was so high I just finished it off - coming in at about 8 minutes!! Now, this is a small step in terms of my long-term goal, but I can honestly say I've never been able to do this before. And it only took a week or so of actual "training". I can't wait to keep improving and just hope the weather is as nice as possible to me =/ .
I woke up around 7:30 a.m. today and had half a banana and half a Cherry Dark Chocolate Kashi bar. I have yet to buy a charger for my camera (lazy, procrastinating me) so below is my depiction of this pre-workout snack.

I especially love the banana man, who is very upset about being cut in half. I forgot to include Mr. Cherry Dark Chocolate's reaction to the severing, but I'm sure he was just as shocked & upset! Total - about 100 calories.
When I got back I showered and changed, and had my usual bowl of oatmeal (150)with a bit of skim milk(20), cottage cheese(50), fat-free half & half(20), sliced apple (100) and some Peanut Butter (50) - totaling about 400 calories, which I will certainly need in order to be fueled and ready to go for coaching these birthday parties!
Time to get ready. Good luck on your run Erin!!!
Casey (who by the way, ran 1 mile without stopping) =)