To start this blog off, I would like to include a fun, extremely random picture from our Aruba vacation ALMOST a year ago - time has seriously FLOWN by.
Totally looks like a persuasive ad endorsing underage drinking. But it was Aruba, totally legal. Nonetheless, it does not send a very good message. But honestly, who are we trying to fool here? P.S. I - the younger, more attractive sister, am the one in the red stripey weird shirt, proudly displaying my completely legal alcohol above my head, in true American fashion. Erin, in case you were having difficulty, is the one in the middle, looking wayyyy more excited about simply taking the picture in general than her American roots. Can anyone say creeper?
School + work + errands went well today. Extremely tiring and I am fighting to keep my eyes open right now.
At school for a snack I had a Nature Valley Fruit and Nut bar which tasted wayy too sugary and artificial...but i ate it anyway =) I also had a cup of coffee with only skim milk and a tad bit half and half. Yay for not using Splenda! I seriously need to cut back...
Lunch: About 1/4 of my leftover dinner from last night, which was grilled chicken with broccoli rabe over whole wheat spaghetti in garlic and oil. I swear restaurants are all kindsa CRAZAYY with portion sizing - my leftovers will last me well into tomorrow. I also had a slice of whole wheat bread with it.
After lunch I took about a 40 minute walk in the city before my Kidsports classes (today was three classes back-to-back). It felt good to get some fresh, although CHILLY, air. I had an apple before the first class started.
After classes, I had to meet my mom in the Lower East Side around 6:30. I got there early and was starving, so for a snack I had a small skim latte and half of an english muffin with 1tsp peanut butter. It was very yummy.
UPDATE: MOMMA MARY THE FOXY LADY TO OUR RIGHT), THE CREATOR AND WOMB-PROVIDER OF THETWOSISTERS, IS CONSIDERING TRAINING FOR THE 5K AS WELL. How fantastic would it be if we could get her on this blog too? Maybe we'll send her a link and persuade her to join! Thoughts?
DINNER: We ordered Mexican and both my mom and I got the "Chicken Fajita Platter" which left MUCH to be desired. I basically took the chicken, some veggies, and a lot of beans and used my OWN whole wheat wrap to smushhh everything into. I ordered a "house" salad but it was very needless to say dinner didn't go as well as planned!
For dessert I peeled and sliced a pear and micro-ed it for about a minute, then put 1 tbsp greek yogurt on top and a sprinkle of Fiber One sticks.
I figure I ate between 1800-1900 calories today, burning about 200 in exercise = 1600 -1700 net total. I don't really like counting calories, but I recently started eating more than I used to, since I've been working out harder and more often. Also, I think I was definitely not eating enough, which slowed my metabolism instead of helping it spead up. So until I get a knack for eating this way, and seeing how it works out, I'll try to pay close attention to what I'm eating.
P.S. Jay Jay - From your reports, I think you're not eating enough as well. YEAH I SAID IT. So that's another thing BESIDES YOUR BLOGGING that you should consider increasing. Only a suggestion =) You know I love you. And I know you'll only do something if you want to. BUT SERIOUSLY THINK ABOUT IT. hahaha
Okay, my eyes are closing everybody....
(which is nobody since this blog has YET to be discovered),
Casey (the younger one)