Gooood Morning =)
Got up early today to go for my run because today is a pretty packed day and I don't expect to get home until about 8 or 8:30 tonight. It was chilly out but I wore a simple tank with a light sweater and cotton workout pants. I'm assuming I'll figure out proper running attire as I go. I imagine what other "veteran" runners think of me as I'm passing by. Most likely something along the lines of "Psh, Rookie". On second thought, they probably don't even notice me, as to them I appear to be walking when in fact, I am actually busting my ass! Okay enough being hard on myself, I actually think I did a really good job today. I ran/walk for 30 minutes, just because I had the time and felt like I had more energy to let out. All in all, I think I did about 2 miles.

I followed the Galloway run/walk plan as much as possible, but the cold weather made my skin a little irritated and it hurt to keep running at some points. I have to try "Body Glide", which I hear can relieve that?? I looked it up and immediately saw "Body Lubricant" which made me digress back to eigth grade and giggle an immature giggle.
Before running I had a snack of one slice of light rye bread with a smear Peanut Butter and a tiny bit jelly. When I got home I showered and breakfast was typical oatmeal except I had no milk or cottage cheese (GASP) so I used Fage 0% and some half and half. I also added mixed berries and a little PB!
I'm off to start the day. I plan to do a 30 minute walk at some point =)
Have a good day sister dearest!