The day started off very relaxing, and by relaxing I actually mean very stressful. Want to know why? Well, Leonard Street experienced an avalanche. (Notice her looking quite innocent in the picture to our left).
Shea decided she was extremely bored and NEEDED to get down the stairs to the hallway. What we've done to prevent her from getting down is put her cage in front of the stairs. You would think that would be enough - but no, when you have SuperPup on your hands you must go an extra step and stack something equally as heavy on top of the cage, in this case - a chair. Usually this works but today, as I sat down to breakfast, I see Shea with her two little paws on the cage, sniffing around and looking devious.
Before I knew it, she had jumped up and over, and could only watch in horror as the chair AND cage slowly starting sliding after her. It was one of those moments that happens in slow motion. Me screaming "Sheeeeeeeeaaaaaaaa" as I watched the furniture topple after her, simultaneously thinking "My dog is going to die. She is going to be crushed. It is all my fault".
Needless to stay, the cage MIRACULOUSLY got stuck half-way down. The chair kept going and possibly nipped Shea in the booty which made her yelp and me almost faint, but it landed away from her and I suspect she was more shocked than hurt.

The most hysterical (yet unfortunate for me) part about this is that on top of the cage (pre-avalanche) was a huge bag of treats. While everything happened, they too plunged to their death and Shea was showered in a rain of multi-colored dog bones. When she was over the shock and done cowering in the corner (this may have lasted 40 seconds), she rejoiced in the sea of treats surrounding her.
I picked them up.
More later,